HOSE: Adjust the free-float of ASM
Pursuant to the HOSE Index Series Construction and Management Rules, HOSE will perform the adjustment to the free-float ratio of Sao Mai Group Corporation (code: ASM), which belongs to VNMidcap, VN100 and VNAllshare Index as follows:
- Stock code: ASM
- Free-float ratio before adjustment: 65%;
- Free-float ratio after adjustment: 60%;
- Effective date: October 07, 2015.
> ITD: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (07/10/2015)
> FCM: Notice of Change of Chief Accountant (07/10/2015)
> SFI: Information disclosure (07/10/2015)
> IJC: Board Resolution (07/10/2015)
> JVC: Information disclosure (07/10/2015)
> C32: Explanation about different financial figures under result of The State Audit Office of Vietnam (07/10/2015)
> VSP: General Mandate 2015 (07/10/2015)
> ASM: Announcement of the change of listing\t (07/10/2015)
> NTW: Consulting shareholders via a ballot (07/10/2015)
> SDD: Result of divestment in Song Da Business and Consulting Joint Stock Company (07/10/2015)