E1VFVN30: Information after the exchange session updated on Oct 02, 2015
Information after the exchange session updated on Oct 02, 2015 of VFMVN30 ETF as follows:
> E1VFVN30: Notice of Tracking Error on 05 October 2015 (06/10/2015)
> TTP: Notification insider trade (TTTH) (06/10/2015)
> VHG: Notification insider trade (06/10/2015)
> TTP: Notification insider trade (06/10/2015)
> NCT: Notification insider trade (06/10/2015)
> KDC: Notification insider trade (06/10/2015)
> HOT: Report insider trade (06/10/2015)
> Military Bank to open Russia office (06/10/2015)
> PVS: Board Resolution (06/10/2015)
> HPC: Board Resolution (06/10/2015)