VSI: Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting 2015 Water Supply Sewerage Construction and Investment Joint Stock Company (WASECO) announced the resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting 2015 dated September 11, 2015 as follows:
Article 1: Approved the transfer of 5% stake and to execute the transfer procedures of WASECO Office and Apartment Building at 10 Pho Quang, ward 2, Tan Binh district, Hochiminh city from WASECO to Hung Thinh Corp.
Article 2: Approved the resignation of Mr. Dang Van Tieu and Mr. Nguyen Tat Thang as members of the Board of Directors.
Article 3: Approved the appointment of Mr. Nguyen Duy Hung, CEO, as Member of the Board of Directors, effective from August 06, 2015.
Article 4: Approved to elect Mr. Tran Tien Dung as Member of the Board of Directors.
Article 5: The Board of Directors and the Management Board are responsible for implementing this resolution. HOSE