TVSC: TVSC raises capital
According to the adjusted license dated August 27, 2015, Thien Viet Securities Joint Stock Company was allowed to increase the charter capital from VND430,000,000,000 to VND476,438,880,000
> DIC: DIC Corp increase capital (01/09/2015)
> Reviewed Capital Adequacy Ratio Report (01/09/2015)
> Change in charter capital (31/08/2015)
> MWG: Board Resolution on ESOP 2016 (31/08/2015)
> PSI: Explanation for the audit opinion in the reviewed semi-annual financial statement 2015 and the reviewed semi-annual capital adequacy ratio report 2015 (28/08/2015)
> EBS: Results of rewarding treasury shares under ESOP (28/08/2015)
> DLC: Offering shares of State Capital Investment Corporation (28/08/2015)
> LM8: Lilama 18 contributes capital and assign representatives in Lilama 18.1 (28/08/2015)
> VC1: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (MB Capital Fund & Japan Asia MB Capital Fund) (28/08/2015)
> PDR: Report on result of stock issuance (28/08/2015)