SCR: First trading day of additional listed shares
> HNX: First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (DCD) (16/09/2015)
> HNX: 24/09/2015, First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (UEM) (16/09/2015)
> SEC: Delisting shares (15/09/2015)
> HNX: First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (CCR) (15/09/2015)
> VMI: Official admission of additional listing of VMI (15/09/2015)
> DIG: Decision on the change of listing (15/09/2015)
> DIG: Announcement of the change of listing (15/09/2015)
> DHC: Announcement of the change of listing (15/09/2015)
> NT2: Announcement of the change of listing (15/09/2015)
> SEC: Announcement of delisting shares (15/09/2015)