OGC: The record date for the EGM
HOSE announces the record date for the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting (EGM) of Ocean Group Joint Stock Company:
Ex-right date: October 05, 2015
Record date: October 07, 2015
Purpose for the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting (EGM)
Meeting date: expected in October 2015
Meeting venue: will be notice later
> NAF: Announcement of the first trading date (30/09/2015)
> E1VFVN30: NAV Sep 28 2015 (30/09/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Information after the exchange session updated on September 28, 2015 (30/09/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of component securities _ 30 Sep 2015 (30/09/2015)
> CII: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (30/09/2015)
> TMT: Resolution of the EGM (30/09/2015)
> KDC: Notification insider trade (30/09/2015)
> KBC: Notification insider trade (30/09/2015)
> KBC: Report Insider Trade (30/09/2015)
> SCIC to auction stake at Tracodana (30/09/2015)