NVB: Explanation for difference of profit before tax in Quarter II.2015 year on year
> OCH: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax of Quarter II.2015 year on year (09/09/2015)
> DNP: Reviewed Financial Statement 2015 (holding company and consolidated) (09/09/2015)
> ND2: Explanation for the auditor\u2019s note in audited semi-annual financial statement 2015 (09/09/2015)
> SJM: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2015 (09/09/2015)
> PVE: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (08/09/2015)
> DCS: Reviewed Financial Statement 2015 (holding company and consolidated) (08/09/2015)
> DZM: Reviewed Financial Statement 2015 (holding company and consolidated) (08/09/2015)
> HMC: HMC withdraws capital in Saigon Depot (08/09/2015)
> NBP: Notice of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2015 (08/09/2015)
> VCG: Explanation for the consolidated and private Financial Statement (08/09/2015)