HSG: Report affiliated person trade
Report affiliated person trade of Hoa Sen Group:
> SCI: Notice of transaction of connected institution (SCI JSC) (15/09/2015)
> DGC: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Van Quang) (15/09/2015)
> KSD: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Nguyen Huu Bien) (15/09/2015)
> VNF: Result of transaction of connected institution (Thien Hai Trading and Investment Co., Ltd) (15/09/2015)
> VNF: Result of transaction of connected institution (Toan Viet Investment JSC) (15/09/2015)
> HPD: Result of transaction of connected institution (Song Da No. 11 JSC) (15/09/2015)
> DPP: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Tran Thi My Le) (15/09/2015)
> TIG: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Pyn Fund Elite (Non - Ucits)) (14/09/2015)
> PLC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Vu Van Chien) (14/09/2015)
> ORS: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Orient Joint Stock Commercial Bank (OCB)) (14/09/2015)