Woori CBV Securities Corporation: Directorate Change
1.Appointed: Shim Geepeel- Position: Director- Effective date: 10/08/20152.Dismissed person: Park Jong Hyun- Position: Chair of the Board- Effective date: 10/08/2015
> Woori CBV Securities Corporation: Board Appointment (12/08/2015)
> ITC: Change of member of the BOD (12/08/2015)
> WOORI CBV: Appointment of Chairman of the BOD (12/08/2015)
> WOORI CBV: Personnel change (12/08/2015)
> BCI: Change of a member of the BOD (11/08/2015)
> HUT: Change in personnel (11/08/2015)
> VCS: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (11/08/2015)
> VSI: Change of a member of the BOD (11/08/2015)