DPR: Resolution of the BOD Dong Phu Rubber Joint Stock Company (DORUCO) announced the resolution of the Board of Directors dated August 14, 2015:
1) The Board of Directors approved the business result in the first 06 months of 2015:
- Total revenue: VND296.245 billion
- Profit before tax: VND296.245 billion
- Profit after tax: VND96.073 billion.
- Total assets: VND2,291.869 billion
2) The Board of Directors approved business until July 31, 2015:
- Exploiting production: 14,500 tons: 5,000 tons
3) The Board of Directors approved to contribute capital to Dong Phu – Kratie Rubber Joint Stock Company.
4) The Board of Directors approved withdrawal of capital from BOT Joint Stock Company. HOSE