C92: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax in the financial statement of Quarter II.2015 before and after being reviewed
> BHT: Explanation for the difference in the figures in semi-annual financial statement 2015 before and after being audited (21/08/2015)
> ELC: Extension of the submission date of QII.2015 financial statements (21/08/2015)
> ACB: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company) (21/08/2015)
> LIG: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company) (21/08/2015)
> LIG: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (21/08/2015)
> HGM: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (21/08/2015)
> HPS: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (21/08/2015)
> VC6: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (21/08/2015)
> SDT: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (21/08/2015)
> PLC: Reviewed financial statement 2015 (holding company) (21/08/2015)