PHC: Change in Supervisory Board
Phuc Hung Holdings Construction JSC announces the change in the Supervisory Board as follows:
- Mr. Tao Minh Duong has resigned from Member of Supervisory Board with effect since 30/06/2015. The resignation will be officially approved at AGM 2016.
> GHC: Change in Management Board (01/07/2015)
> MSBS: Change of a member of the BOD (01/07/2015)
> Maritime Bank Securities Joint Stock Company: Directorate Change (01/07/2015)
> HMC: Change of a member of the BOD (01/07/2015)
> HST: Change in personnel (01/07/2015)
> PDC: Management Change (01/07/2015)
> PDC: Directorate Change (01/07/2015)