FID: Annual General Mandate 2015 Vietnam Enterprise Investment and
Development Joint Stock Company announced Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders approved on 30/06/2015 as follows:
Article 1: Approve the report of
BOD on the operation of Vietnam Enterprise Investment and Development Joint
Stock Company 2014
Article 2: Approve the report of
Supervisory Board 2014
Article 3: Approve the report of
Management Board 2014 on the operation result and the plan for 2015
Article 4: Approve the audited
financial statement of Holding Company and consolidated financial statement
Article 5: Approve the report on
paying dividend 2014 by share (dividend rate: 10%)
Article 6: Approve the plan on
issuing the shares to outstanding shareholders to increase the charter capital
and the method of using the proceeds
Article 7: Approve the plan on
receiving the transfer of land use right to transfer the target of using land
into Industrial Zone – 50 years at Hai Phong City
Article 8: Authorize Board of
Directors to select the auditor for fiscal year 2015
Article 9: Approve the remuneration
and operation fee of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board 2015
Article 10: Approve voting
Directors for replacement in the term 2014 – 2018
Article 11: Approve the chair of
BOD cum General Manager of Vietnam Enterprise Investment and Development Joint
Stock Company
Article 12: Approve the change in
the Charter and authorize Board of Directors to modify the Charter after
increasing the charter capital
Article 13: Authorize Board of
Directors to decide all maters belong to the right of General Meeting of
Shareholders in the process of performance approved by General Meeting of
Article 14: This general mandate
goes into effect on date of signature. HNX