E1VFVN30: NAV 07 July 2015
NAV 07 July 2015 of VFMVN30 ETF
> E1VFVN30: Information after the exchange session updated on July 07, 2015 (09/07/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of component securities _ July 08, 2015 (09/07/2015)
> TMS: TMS signs an Auditing Contract (09/07/2015)
> PNJ: PNJ signs an Auditing Contract (09/07/2015)
> KSS: Change of the information disclosure staff (09/07/2015)
> ELC: ELC signs an Auditing Contract (09/07/2015)
> ITC: ITC signs an Auditing Contract (09/07/2015)
> TIC: TIC signs an Auditing Contract (09/07/2015)
> SHA: Board resolution (09/07/2015)
> SHA: Correcting information of the Board resolution (09/07/2015)