SPM: SPM signs an Auditing Contract with A&C
S.P.M Corporation (stock code: SPM) has signed an auditing contract with A&C Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd. (A&C) to audit SPM’s financial statements in 2015.
> TIE: TIE signs an Auditing Contract with A&C (16/06/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Notice of Tracking Error on 5 June 2015 (16/06/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Information after the exchange session updated on June 05, 2015 (16/06/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of component securities _ June 08, 2015 (16/06/2015)
> LAF: Announcement of tender offer for LAF shares (16/06/2015)
> ITD: Board Resolution – Jun04 (16/06/2015)
> BGM: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (16/06/2015)
> MCP: MCP signs an Auditing Contract (16/06/2015)
> ITC: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder (16/06/2015)
> HAX: HAX signs an Auditing Contract (16/06/2015)