SHI: SHI signs an Auditing Contract
Son Ha International Corporation has signed an auditing contract with Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd (A&C) to audit its financial statements in 2015.
> L10: L10 signs an Auditing Contract (16/06/2015)
> HSG: Change of a subsidiary name (16/06/2015)
> TDH: Information on the amendment the articles of association (16/06/2015)
> SII: Reappointment of CEO (16/06/2015)
> DHG: Board Resolution on treasury share buying (16/06/2015)
> TVS: TVS signs an Auditing Contract (16/06/2015)
> ABT: Board Resolution – Jun 08 (16/06/2015)
> CII: Disclosure information (16/06/2015)
> DHG: DHG dissolves a subsidiary (16/06/2015)
> HOSE: Notice of the total return index (16/06/2015)