RDP: Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder Notice of trading of shares by an internal shareholder of RangDong Plastic Joint-Stock Company as follows:
- Name of individual: Mr. Ho Duc Lam
- Current position (if available) in the organization listed/registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund: Chairman of the BOD cum CEO
- Trading securities code: RDP
- Quantity and ratio of shares owned before conducting trading: 3,461,473 shares (24.26%)
- Quantity of shares/fund certificates registered for purchase: 5,774,625 shares
- Proposed quantity and ratio of shares owned after conducting trading: 9,236,098 shares (64.74%)
- Method of trading: order matching and put though
- Proposed period for conducting trading: from June 12, 2015 to July 11, 2015