HAS: Appointment of CEO
HACISCO Joint Stock Company announced new appointment as follows:
- Mr. Dinh Tien Vinh was appointed as CEO in the term 2015-2018 as from May 21, 2015.
> ELC: Notice of stock withdrawal from the resigned employees (22/05/2015)
> KSH: Appointment of Head of the Supervisory Board (25/05/2015)
> BHS: Resignation of a member of the BOD (25/05/2015)
> TCO: TCO adjusts selling price and personnel change (25/05/2015)
> SGT: Appointment of Deputy CEO (26/05/2015)
> PXS: Appointment of Deputy Director (26/05/2015)
> EIB: Resignation of Deputy CEO (26/05/2015)