NTP: Change in member of the Supervisory Board
Tien Phong Plastic JSC announces the change in member of the Supervisory Board as follows:- Appointment of Mrs Vu Thi Minh Nhat as Chief of the Supervisory Board for the period 2015 - 2020 with effect since 13/4/2015 - Dismissing Mrs. Nguyen Thi Quynh Huong as Chief of the Supervisory Board of the period 2010 - 2015 with effect since 13/4/2015
> PSD: Personnel changes (14/04/2015)
> VSP: Change in personnel (14/04/2015)
> L62: Change of personnel (14/04/2015)
> NTP: Change in personnel (13/04/2015)
> TH1: Change in personnel (13/04/2015)
> TSB: Change in personnel (13/04/2015)
> TTR: Change in personnel (13/04/2015)
> HUT: Management Change (13/04/2015)
> SDT: Change in Supervisory Board (11/04/2015)