HUT: Board Resolution on approving the list of investors having the right to buy shares, the number of shares they can buy and the selling price for strategic shareholders On 02/04/2015, TASCO Joint Stock
Company announced Board resolution on approving the list of investors having
the right to buy shares, the number of shares they can buy and the selling
price for strategic shareholders as follows:
Article 1: Approve the list of
investors having the right to buy shares, the number of shares they can buy and
the selling price for strategic shareholders according to General Mandate no.
01/2014/NQ-DHDCD dated 05/06/2014 and Board Resolution no. 20/NQ_HDQT dated
17/11/2014 of Board of Dir3ectors regulating on approving the plan of private
placement for strategic shareholders:
- Total number of shares registered
to offer: 20,000,000 shares
- Total number of shares that
investors register to buy: 20,000,000 shares
- Total investors having the right
to buy private shares for strategic shareholders: 18 investors. In which:
+ 2 investors are foreign
+ 16 investors are domestic
(List is attached with this
- The selling price of private
share for strategic shareholders: VND 13,500 per share
- Investors having the right to buy
share must make payment for purchase by the deadline regulated by Resolution
no.02/NQ-HDQT dated 31/03/2015 of Board of Directors.
Article 2: Assign General Manager
of the Company to continue implementing related procedures for completing
private placement in accordance with regulations of current law.
Article 3: This resolution takes
effect from the date of signature. Members of Board of Directors, Management
Board, leader of departments and related individuals are responsible for
implementation. HNX