SAM: Report on Ownership by Major Shareholders HFC VietNam Investment and Trade Import Export JSC (*) reports the ownership of Sacom Development and Investment Corporation as follows:
1) Institutional investor: HFC VietNam Investment and Trade Import Export JSC (*)
2) Name of shares/fund certificates/securities code owned: SAM
3) Quantity/ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 15,973,118 shares (12.21%)
4) Quantity of shares/fund certificates sold: 8,470,300 shares
5) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 7,502,818 shares (5.74%)
6) Date of trading on which ownership ratio is changed and [date of] becoming major shareholder/ no longer being a major shareholder: from January 23, 2015 to February 12, 2015
7) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates being held by related person: 0
8) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held by the same related person after trading: 7,502,818 shares (5.74%)
(*) temporary translation HOSE