PXL: Report on Results of selling treasury stock Idico - Petroleum trading Construction Investment Joint Stock Company has announced the result of selling treasury stock as follows:
1) The securities company authorized to execute transactions: Petro Vietnam Securities Incorporated – branch of HCMC
2) Trading securities code: PXL
3) Quantity of treasury shares registered for sale: 205,300 shares
4) Quantity of treasury shares already traded (sale): 6,500 shares
5) Period for conducting trading: from January 30, 2015 to February 12, 2015
6) Quantity of treasury shares owned before conducting trading: 205,300 shares
7) Quantity of treasury shares owned after conducting trading: 198,800 shares
8) Average buying price: VND3,300/share
9) Method of trading: Order matching
10) Reason of incomplete transaction: the price was not in the trader’s expectation. HOSE