NLG: Report on Ownership by Major Shareholders International Finance Corporation reports the ownership as follows:
1) Institutional investor: International Finance Corporation
2) Name of shares/fund certificates/securities code owned: NLG
3) Quantity/ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 8,830,000 shares
4) Quantity of shares/fund certificates sold: 0
5) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 8,830,000 shares
6) Date of trading on which ownership ratio is changed and [date of] becoming major shareholder/ no longer being a major shareholder: January 28, 2015
7) Reasons for change of ownership: Nam Long Investment Corporation issued additional: 12,955,756 shares on January 28, 2015 to implement interchange of shares. Total number of shares of Nam Long Investment Corporation increase from 121,013,523 shares (before interchange) to 133,969,279 shares (after interchange).
8) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates being held by related person: 0
9) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held by the same related person after trading: 0 HOSE