Him Lam owns most shares of LienVietPostBank
Real estate firm Him Lam Corporation has replaced Vietnam Post to become LienVietPostBank's biggest shareholder by increasing its stake to 14.98 per cent, according to the bank's recent report.

During the first six months of last year, Him Lam purchased some 13 million shares of LienVietPostBank, followed by another 16.4 million in the second half of the year. As of the end of 2014, the real estate company owned 96.8 million shares or 14.98 per cent of the bank, an increase of 4.54 per cent compared to the beginning of the year.
Duong Cong Minh, chairman of Him Lam, holds the same position in the bank.
Focusing on the real estate industry, Him Lam also has subsidiaries and affiliate companies investing in other sectors, including banking and finance, entertainment services and golf course development.
The second-largest stakeholder, Vietnam Post, holds 12.54 per cent of LienVietPostBank. Last year, the bank planned to offer a private placement of 18.7 million shares to Vietnam Post, but the transaction was not conducted.
The third-largest shareholder is office leasing company HTH Co Ltd with a 4.95 per cent stake. By the end of last year, the bank's vice chairman Nguyen Duc Huong increased his holding from 3.32 per cent to nearly 3.4 per cent.
According to the bank's Q3 financial statement, its total assets reached VND89.2 trillion (US$4.19 billion), while revenue was over VND1.4 trillion ($65.7 million). The bank made a loss of VND20 billion ($939,000).