ECI: Board Resolution On 29/01/2015, Education Cartography and Illustration Joint
Stock Company announced Board resolution as follows:
Article 1:
Approve financial statement 2014 audited by Auditing and Accounting Co., ltd
(AAC) and production, business result in 2014 with these main indicators:
1. Total revenue VND
2. Total expenses: VND
3. Total profit before tax VND
4. Payable income tax VND
5. Total profit after tax VND
6. Earnings per share VND
Article 2:
Distribute profit after tax in 2014
1. Total profit after tax: VND
2. Distribute profit after tax
2.1. Pay dividend in 2014 with rate of 14% VND 2,464,000,000
+ Payment on 11/02/2015 VND
2.2. Extraction to funds: VND
+ Bonus and welfare fund: VND
- Bonus fund VND
- Welfare fund VND
Article 3:
Approve time, contents, program of General Meeting of Shareholders 2015
- Time: 08 AM, 06/02/2015
- Place: 45 Hang Chuoi, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi
- Exercise rate: for common shares: 01 share – 01 voting
- Contents:
+ Report of Board of Directors on result in 2014 and
orientation in 2015
+ Report of Management Board on result in 2014 and
production, business plan in 2015
+ Report of Supervisory Board in 2014
+ Statement on replacement of Directors
+ Statement on amendment of Charter of the Company
+ Statement on approving Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Loan – Chairman
of Board of Directors to concurrently be Manager
Article 4:
Approve amendment of Charter of the Company according to Law on Enterprises no.
68/2014/QH13, which become valid from 1/7/2015.
Article 5:
Approve production, business plan in 2015
1. Total revenue VND 54,000,000,000
2. Total expenses VND
3. Total profit before tax VND
4. Total profit after tax VND
5. Dividend 12%
- 14%
Article 6:
Approve remuneration for Board of Directors and Supervisory Board in 2014 and
remuneration plan in 2015
- Remuneration for Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
in 2014: 4% of profit before tax
- Remuneration for Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
in 2015: 4% of profit before tax
Article 7: Assign
Executive Board to select the Auditor for financial statement 2015
Article 8:
Approve contents and program of 25th anniversary of the Company
- Time: 14:00, 06/02/2015
- Place: Trade Union Hotel, No. 14 Tran Binh Trong, Hoan
Kiem, Hanoi
Article 9: Assign
Board of Directors and Management Board to implement this Board resolution
according to regulation of Law and Charter of the Company. HNX