ABT: Report on Results of trading of shares of affiliated organization Report on Results of trading of shares of affiliated organization of Bentre Aquaproduct Import And Export Joint Stock Company as follows:
1) Organization conducting trading: Pan Pacific Corporation (PAN)
2) Name of key personnel/person authorized to disclose information of the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund (in a case where the person conducting trading is a related person): Mr. Nguyen Van Khai
- Current position in the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/ public investment fund: Member of the BOD
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: Deputy CEO cum Member of the BOD
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: 0
3) Trading securities code: ABT
4) Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned before conducting trading: 7,180,255 shares (62.45%)
5) Quantity of shares/fund certificates registered for purchase: 250,000 shares (2.17%)
6) Quantity of shares already traded (purchase): 92,400 shares (0.80%)
7) Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates owned after conducting trading: 7,272,655 shares (63.25%)
8) Method of trading: order matching and put through
9) Period for conducting trading: from January 08, 2015 to February 04, 2015
10) Reason of incomplete transaction: the price was not in the trader’s expectation. HOSE