SVN: Official admission of additional listing of SVN
On 07/01/2015, HNX officially admitted the additional listing of SVN:
> HLA: HLA CORP faces delisting from HOSE (08/01/2015)
> HNX: First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (07/01/2015)
> Kien Giang Construction and Investment Consulting Corporation : HOSE receives the listing registration documents (07/01/2015)
> CII: Decision on the change of listing (07/01/2015)
> CII41401: Announcement of the change of listing (07/01/2015)
> CII41401: Decision on the change of listing (07/01/2015)
> KAC: Decision on additional listing (07/01/2015)
> CII: Decision on additional listing (07/01/2015)
> CII41401: Notice of Change in the Number of Listing Bonds (06/01/2015)
> South Basic Chemicals: Asked to supplement the listing registration documents (06/01/2015)