PPI: Report on Results of Trading of Shares by an Internal Shareholder Report on Results of trading of shares by an internal shareholder in Pacific Property and Infrastructure Development and Investment Joint Stock Company as follows:
1. Name of individual: Mr. Nguyen Vu Bao Hoang
-Current position (if available) in the organization listed/registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund: Member of the Board of Directors
2. Trading securities code: PPI
3. Quantity of shares owned before conducting trading: 54,050 shares (0.22%)
4. Quantity of shares registered for sale: 54,000 shares
5. Quantity of shares already traded (sale): 0 share
6. Quantity of shares owned after conducting trading: 54,050 shares (0.22%)
7. Period for conducting trading: from December 04, 2014 to January 02, 2015
8. Reason of incomplete transaction: the price was not in the trader’s expectation. HOSE