NBB: Report on Ownership by Major Shareholders
CREED INVESTMENTS VN-1 Ltd. reports the ownership as follows:
1) Institutional investor: CREED INVESTMENTS VN-1 Ltd. 2) Name of shares/fund certificates/securities code owned: NBB3) Quantity/ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 1,043,340 shares (1.9%)4) Quantity of shares/fund certificates purchased: 2,760,000 shares 5) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 3,803,340 shares (6.5%)6) Date of trading on which ownership ratio is changed and [date of] becoming major shareholder/ no longer being a major shareholder: December 03, 2014
1) Institutional investor: CREED INVESTMENTS VN-1 Ltd.
2) Name of shares/fund certificates/securities code owned: NBB
3) Quantity/ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 1,043,340 shares (1.9%)
4) Quantity of shares/fund certificates purchased: 2,760,000 shares
5) Quantity, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 3,803,340 shares (6.5%)
6) Date of trading on which ownership ratio is changed and [date of] becoming major shareholder/ no longer being a major shareholder: December 03, 2014
> HPG: Notice of Trading of Shares of affiliated organization (PEW) (11/12/2014)
> DBT: Notice of transaction of connected person (Ms. Hanh) (11/12/2014)
> D11: New principal shareholder Dinh Thi Viet Huong (11/12/2014)
> DST: Notice of transaction of connected person (Mr. Thinh) (11/12/2014)
> DHC: Report on Results of Trading of Shares of affiliated organization (11/12/2014)
> HPG: Report on Results of Trading of Shares of affiliated organization (11/12/2014)
> VHC: Result of selling treasury stock (11/12/2014)
> MCC: Notice of transaction of connected person (Ms.Ngoc) (10/12/2014)
> LHC: Result of transaction of connected person (Ms.Yen) (10/12/2014)
> SCI: Notice of transaction of connected person / connected institution (Song Da 9 JSC) (10/12/2014)