IDI: Adjustment of information on Bank account for blocking depository money
According to Announcement No. 0512/IDI-PTC/2014 dated December 05, 2014 of International Development & Investment Corporation, Announcemnt No. 6762/UBCK-QLPH dated December 05, 2014 of the State Securities Commission and Announcement No.1059/TB-CNVSD dated December 09, 2014 of the Vietnam Securities Deposity – HCMC Branch on Bank account for blocking depository money. On December 10, 2014, Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.1133/TB-SGDHCM on adjustment of information contents on bank account number as follows:
- Ex-right date: November 27, 2014- Record date: December 01, 2014- Adjustment:
- Ex-right date: November 27, 2014
- Record date: December 01, 2014
- Adjustment:
Adjustment Announced information Adjusted information Bank account for blocking depository money + Account holder: International Development & Investment Corporation + Account number: 702.604.33 + Account opening place: VPBank – An Giang Branch + Account holder: International Development & Investment Corporation + Account number: 13810000041710 + Account opening place: BIDV – Ben Nghe Branch Reason: For convenience in monitoring and management of the Company's account- Other contents in Announcement No. 1072/TB-SGDHCM dated November 20, 2014 by the Hochiminh Stock Exchnage are unchaged.
Announced information
Adjusted information
Bank account for blocking depository money
+ Account holder: International Development & Investment Corporation
+ Account number: 702.604.33
+ Account opening place: VPBank – An Giang Branch
+ Account number: 13810000041710
+ Account opening place: BIDV – Ben Nghe Branch
Reason: For convenience in monitoring and management of the Company's account
- Other contents in Announcement No. 1072/TB-SGDHCM dated November 20, 2014 by the Hochiminh Stock Exchnage are unchaged.
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