Duc Long Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company announced Decision of the Board of Directors No.64/QD-HDQT dated September 19, 2014 as follows:
1) The
Board of Directors approved to distribute unsold shares in the public offering
according to Certificate for Public Offering No.58/GCN-UBCK as follows:
Number of shares offered to the existing
shareholders: 69,744,898 shares
Number of shares paid to buy by the existing
shareholders: 20,572,766 shares
Number of shares unsold: 49,172,132 shares
All unsold shares will be
distributed to the following investors: Ha Thi Ngoc Trang, Vo Thi Thu Hang,
Nguyen Ai Binh, Tran Thi Nhu Hanh, Hoang Thi Kim Hieu, Do Thanh Nhan, Tran Thi
Tinh Tu, Nguyen Tuong Cot, Vo Duy Phong, Huynh Thai Quoc, Nguyen Thi Ut, Le Thi
Khanh Chi, Vu Ngoc Tuan, Ngo The Hien, Truong Thanh Hai.
Time to pay money to buy shares: from the
signing date to the end of September 23, 2014.
2) The
Board of Directors assign the CEO to negotiate with the above investors to sell
shares at a price not lower than VND10,000/share.