DCS: Reviewed financial statement 2014
Dai Chau JSC announced the company's Reviewed financial statement of 2014.
> DZM: Reviewed financial statement 2014 (holding company) (05/09/2014)
> SHI: Explanation for business results for 6 months of 2014 before & after review (05/09/2014)
> SMC: Explanation for business results for 6 months of 2014 before & after review (05/09/2014)
> NHW: Explanation for parent company business result in Q2, 2014 (05/09/2014)
> PGS: Explanation for auditor\u2019s exception opinion in the reviewed consolidated financial statement 2013 (05/09/2014)
> BT6: Explanation for submitting the consolidated Q2, 2014 financial statements late (05/09/2014)
> PPI: Extension of the submission date for the reviewed semi-annual financial statements 2014 (05/09/2014)
> PPP: Explanation for difference of over 10 percent in profit after tax in financial statement Q.II /2014 year on year (05/09/2014)
> PHH: Reviewed financial statement 2014 (consolidated) (05/09/2014)
> PHH: Reviewed financial statement 2014 (holding company) (05/09/2014)