BT6: Explanation for consolidated business results for 6 months of 2014 before & after review
Beton 6 Corporation has explained for consolidated business results for the first six months of 2014 before & after review as follows:
The first six months of 2014 Profit before tax before review 16,376,878,398 Increasing loss of associated companies and joint ventures -1,666,298,417 Profit before tax after review 14,710,579,981
The first six months of 2014
Profit before tax before review
Increasing loss of associated companies and joint ventures
Profit before tax after review
> STSC: Change of Head Office Address (12/09/2014)
> HSG: Setting up a Branch (12/09/2014)
> NHS: The record date for the 2014 AGM (12/09/2014)
> SDD: Reviewed financial statement 2014 (12/09/2014)
> V21: Explanation for auditor's opinion in the semi-annual financial statement 2014 (12/09/2014)
> KHB: Explanation for auditor\u2019s opinion in the semi-annual financial statement 2014 (11/09/2014)
> LHC: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax in Quarter II.2014 of Holding Company year on year (11/09/2014)
> TS4: Explanation for consolidated business results for 6 months of 2014 before & after review (11/09/2014)
> TS4: Explanation for business results for 6 months of 2014 before & after review (Parent company) (11/09/2014)
> NHS: Resolution on organizing the AGM 2014 (11/09/2014)