SHA: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014
On 03/06/2014, SonHa SaiGon JSC (stock code: SHA) announced the Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 as follows:
- Auditor for the company for fiscal year 2014: A & C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited
> CKV: Information disclosure on Charter of COKYVINA Joint Stock Company (05/06/2014)
> VSC: Board Resolution – Jun 04 (05/06/2014)
> APG: Information on signing auditing contract in 2014 (05/06/2014)
> IJC: IJC signs Auditing Contract (05/06/2014)
> PTI: Board Resolution (05/06/2014)
> KSA: Change of the authorized information disclosure staff (05/06/2014)
> PET: Setting up a subsidiary (05/06/2014)
> DXG: Disclosure information (05/06/2014)
> DXG: DXG transfers stake in Dat Xanh Binh Duong Real Estate J.S.C (05/06/2014)
> EIB: Board Resolution (05/06/2014)