The Board of Directors of Tay Bac Minerals Investment Joint Stock Company (stock code: KTB) cordially invites all the shareholders to the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders:
1) Meeting
date: 7:00am, June 30, 2014
2) Meeting
venue: Meeting Hall of Muong Thanh Hotel, Linh Dam, Hoang Mai, Ha Noi
3) Contents:
Report on profit
and loss in 2013, and business plan for 2014;
Report of the Board
of Supervisors in 2013 and the 2014 plan;
Report of the Board
of Directors in 2013 and the 2014 plan;
The audited
financial statements in fiscal year 2013;
Approval for the
2013 profit distribution; plan for dividend and profit distribution in fiscal
year 2013 and the 2014 plan;
The BOD chairman concurrently holds the
position of CEO;
Approval for remuneration of the Board of
Directors, the Board of Supervisors in 2013 and payment plan 2014;
Choosing an
auditing firm for fiscal year 2014 and the reviewed semi-annual financial
Approval the
amending the company’s regulation;
Other relating
For meeting documents, please visit KTB’s