DRL: DRL chooses AAC as 2014 auditing firm
Hydro Power Joint Stock Company – Power No.3 announced to choose AAC Auditing and Accounting Co., Ltd. to audit its 2014 financial year.
> KHA: KHA closes subsidiary (17/06/2014)
> NNC: Report on Outstanding Voting Shares (17/06/2014)
> VPH: VPH chooses KPMG as 2014 auditing firm (17/06/2014)
> NBB: Information agreed on name of the company in English (17/06/2014)
> GIL: Board Resolution – Jun 12 (17/06/2014)
> DHP: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (17/06/2014)
> TAG: Board Resolution (16/06/2014)
> BSI: Resolution on organizing the EGM (16/06/2014)
> BMC: BMC signs Auditing Contract (16/06/2014)
> TDW: TDW chooses UHY as 2014 auditing firm (16/06/2014)