ASA: Board Resolution
On 05/06/2014, WMT SANA Joint Venture Joint Stock Company
announced Board resolution as follows:
Article 1: Based
on criteria of selecting the Auditor approved by AGM on 15/04/2014:
1. To be the auditing company being approved to audit
listing companies by SSC in 2014;
2. To have experience in auditing big companies, groups in
field of consumer goods sale;
3. To have qualified and experienced auditors;
4. To have reputation in auditing quality;
5. To meet requirements of the Company on auditing scale and
6. To have suitable auditing fee with quality on basis of
auditing scale.
BOD of WMT SANA Joint Venture JSC decided to hire Vietland
Auditing and Consulting Co., ltd in Hanoi to be the Auditor for FS 2014
Article 2: This
Board resolution took effect from signature date HNX