THS: Notice of record date for AGM 2014
1. Issuer: Song Da - Thanh Hoa JSC2. Stock code: THS3. Stock type: Common stock4. Par value: 10,0005. Record date: 23/05/20146. Ex-date: 21/05/20147. Reasons: * General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 - Exercise rate: 1:1 (01 share - 01 Voting right)
> CX8: Announcement on organization of AGM of shareholders 2014 (14/05/2014)
> BLF: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2014 (14/05/2014)
> QCC: Notice of record date for General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (14/05/2014)
> PFL: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2014 (14/05/2014)
> CTS: Postponement of AGM 2014 (14/05/2014)
> CVT: Supplement number of treasury shares to the interpretation of financial statement (14/05/2014)
> AAA: Time and place for the third AGM 2014 (14/05/2014)
> ALV: Explanation for the difference in operating result of QI.2014 (14/05/2014)
> BKC: Notice of record date for AGM 2014 (14/05/2014)
> SHB: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2014 (14/05/2014)