PVL: Application for late information disclosure
On 28/4/2014, Petroleum Real Estate
Joint Stock Company announced application for late information disclosure of
audited financial statement 2013 as follows:
On 17/01/2014, Chairman of BOD of PVL,
Mr. Hoang Ngoc Sau was arrested for 04 months while 04 remaining Directors,
Head of SB and General Manager resigned. Thus, PVC Corporation – Principal
shareholder of the Company had to organize extraordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders to elect BOD, SB for the new office term.
After being appointed, General Manager
and BOD required the Auditor to review all figures in audited financial
statement to reflect exactly situation of the Company. Therefore, financial
statement 2013 was late.
On 24/3/2014, PVL sent circulars to
apply SSC to allow PVL to submit audited financial statement late. However, PVL
did not receive approval of SSC so far.
While waiting for response of SSC,
Petroleum Real Estate JSC requested HNX to consider and approve PVL to extend
time to announce audited financial statement until 19/5/2014. HNX