NNC: NNC chooses AASCS as 2014 auditing firm
Nui Nho Stone Joint Stock Company announced to choose Southern Auditing and Accounting Financial Consulting Services Co., Ltd. (AASCS) to audit its 2014 financial year.
> PET: PET chooses PWC as 2014 auditing firm (28/05/2014)
> PIT: PIT signs Auditing Contract (28/05/2014)
> GLT: Board Resolution (27/05/2014)
> NST: Board Resolution (27/05/2014)
> VCS: Board Resolution (27/05/2014)
> VDL: Explanation for difference in operation result QI.2014 year on year (27/05/2014)
> NHA: Signing contract with auditor (27/05/2014)
> KLF: Change in outstanding shares with voting rights (27/05/2014)
> SD2: Merger Contract between SD2 and SKS (27/05/2014)
> PHH: Annual General Mandate 2014 (27/05/2014)