Stock symbol: VNS
+ Meeting date: 8:00 am, April 25, 2014
+ Meeting venue: Vinasun Tower, 648 Nguyen Trai Street, Ward 11, District 5, HCM City.
+ Meeting participants: All shareholders at the record date: March 27, 2014.
+ Meeting content:
- Report on Business result in 2013 and business plan for 2014.
- Report on activities of the Board of Directors.
- Report on activities of the Board of Supervisors.
- The audited financial statements.
- Approval for the 2013, 2014 profit distribution, dividend.
- Approval for increasing charter capital.
- Choosing an auditing firm.
- Other relating issues.
+ For meeting documents, please visit Company’s website:
+ Shareholders please send confirmations of attending into the meeting before 17:00, April 24, 2014.