VCV: Requested for explanation by HNX
On 25/03/2014, HNX received Financial Statement FY 2013 of Vinaconex Transportation JSC (Stock code: VCV). After reviewing, HNX sees that the Company has announced operating losses for 03 consecutive years (2011, 2012 and 2013). According to Point đ, Item 1, Article 60, Decree 58/2012/NĐ-CP dated 20/7/2012 by the Government, VCV stock is under the delisting case.
> VHH: Requested for explanation by HNX (08/04/2014)
> SD6: Board resolution (08/04/2014)
> HOSE: Signing Ceremony of Memorandum Of Understanding With (08/04/2014)
> PVR: Explanation for audit exception in FS 2013 (08/04/2014)
> FPTS: Change of Trading Office Name and Address (08/04/2014)
> HSG: The record date for consulting shareholders (08/04/2014)
> DXG: Board Resolution (08/04/2014)
> NBB: Disclosure information (08/04/2014)
> NHS: Board Resolution (08/04/2014)
> TSM: Explanation for the difference in operating results in FS 2013 before and after being audited (08/04/2014)