PVX: Correction in the explanation for reasons and solutions to stock under supervision
Petro Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation announces the corrected explanation for reasons and solutions to stock under supervision approved on 08 April 2014 as follows:
On 7/4/2014, Petro Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation (PVC) issued Document No. 1013/XLDK-TCKT on explanation for reasons and solutions to stock under supervision since the profit after tax in the latest 2 years of the holding company was negative
During the making the Document, the Company had made a mistake of dot instead of comma when entering profit after tax of holding company in audited consolidated financial statements 2012 and 2013. Therefore, the Company corrected them as follows:
- Profit after tax of holding company in audited consolidated financial statement 2012 was -1,338.39 billion dongs
- Profit after tax of holding company in audited consolidated financial statement 2013 was – 1,622.731 billion dongs
> MKV: Stock under alert (15/04/2014)
> MKV: Explanation for stock under alert (15/04/2014)
> Lower blue chips depress shares (15/04/2014)
> DLR: Explanation for reason of stock under alert (15/04/2014)
> HBE: Stock under alert (14/04/2014)
> PV2: Explanation for stock under alert and solutions (14/04/2014)
> DID: Stock under alert (14/04/2014)
> EIB: Reminded of late information disclosure (14/04/2014)
> SBC: Reminded to submit financial statements (14/04/2014)
> V15: Explanation for the stock under supervision (14/04/2014)