NVT: Resolution on organizing the 2014 Annual General Meeting
Resolution on organizing the 2014 Annual General Meeting of Ninh Van Bay Travel Real Estate Joint Stock Company as follows:
> CLW: Information on the 2014 annual general meeting (08/04/2014)
> HBE: Change in business registration certificate (08/04/2014)
> HMH: Notice for organize Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (08/04/2014)
> PVI: Financial Statement FY 2013 (holding company) (08/04/2014)
> DNC: Financial Statement FY 2013 (08/04/2014)
> TST: Notice of record date for AGM 2014 (08/04/2014)
> MKV: Explanation for difference of profit after tax in FS 2013 before and after audit (07/04/2014)
> MNC: Explanation for difference of profit after tax in FS 2013 before and after audit (07/04/2014)
> OCH: Explanation for the difference in the profit after tax in consolidated FS before and after being audited (07/04/2014)