MSN: MSN discloses list of Nominees for Board of Directors
Ma San Group Corporation announced list of Nominees for Board of Directors:
- Nguyen Dang Quang- Ho Hung Anh- Nguyen Hoang Yen- Nguyen Thieu Nam- Lars Kjaer- Dominic Edward Salter Price.
- Nguyen Dang Quang
- Ho Hung Anh
- Nguyen Hoang Yen
- Nguyen Thieu Nam
- Lars Kjaer
- Dominic Edward Salter Price.
> AVF: AVF extends the time to buy new shares (21/04/2014)
> AVF: AVF changes the time to buy new shares (21/04/2014)
> DTL: Announcement of the Result of Public Offering (21/04/2014)
> DST: General Mandate 2014 (21/04/2014)
> SGH: Geneneral Mandate 2014 (21/04/2014)
> QNC: General Manadate 2014 (21/04/2014)
> MCF: Board Resolution (21/04/2014)
> KLF: Board resolution on transferring shares of the Company at Green Belt Entertainment Joint Stock Company (21/04/2014)
> LIG: Transfer of investment in other enterprise (21/04/2014)
> NHA: Annual General Mandate 2014 (21/04/2014)