ILC: Requested for explanation by HNX
On 03/04/2014, HNX received Financial Statement FY 2013
(audited) of International Labor and Services JSC (Stock code: ILC). After reviewing, HNX sees
that the Company has announced operating losses for 03 consecutive years (2011,
2012 and 2013) and accumulated losses have exceeded paid-up capital as of
31/12/2013. According to Point đ, Item 1, Article 60,
Decree 58/2012/NĐ-CP dated 20/7/2012 by the
Government, ILC stock is under the delisting case. HNX requests the Company
explain below issues by 15/04/2014 at the latest: - The reason and give
solution to overcome the current situation according to Item 2, Article 16 of
Listing Regulation - Explain
auditor's exception opinion in the Company's audited Financial Statement as
regulated in Item 4, Article 10, Circular 52/2012/TT-BTC guiding the
information disclosure on the securities market. HNX