Wednesday, 16/04/2014 14:40

HLA: Resolution of 2013 Annual General Meeting

Huu Lien Asia Corporation has announced the resolution of 2013 Annual General Meeting dated April 12, 2014 as follows:

Article 1: Approving the reports the 2013 business results:

-          Net revenue: VND 4,065.25 billion

-          Profit before tax: -VND 235.74 billion

Article 2: Approving the plan profit distribution for fiscal 2013. According to the loss in 2013, the Board of Directors approved not to distribute profit after tax.

Article 3: Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2013 as follows:




Remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors



Operating expenses of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors






Article 4: Approving the 2014 business targets:

-          Net revenue: VND 3000 billion

-          Profit after tax: VND 0

Article 5: Approving the distribution profit plan and dividend for 2014:

-          Profit after tax: VND 0

-          Dividend: VND 0

Article 6: Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2014: VND 0

Article 7: Assigning the Board of Directors to choose one of the following audit firms:

-  Ernst & Young

-  DFK

-  DTL


Article 8: Approving the change of member of the Board of Directors.

Article 9: Approving the appointment of Ms. Le Thi Huong Giang as a member of the Board of Directors for period 2012-2015

Article 10: This resolution took effect as from signing date - April 12, 2014.


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