DXP: General Mandate 2014
On 29/03/2014, Doan Xa port JSC announced general mandate
2014 as follows:
1. Approve the
operating result of 2013 and plan for 2014
a. Operating result of 2013:
- Total volume: 4,423,415
tons (101% of the plan)
- Total executed revenue: VND
199.6 billion (91% of the plan)
- Total profit before tax: VND
71.4 billion (102% of the plan)
b. Plan for 2014
- Total volume: 4,400,000
- Total revenue: VND
200 billion
- Total profit before tax: VND
70 billion
- Dividend payment: 30%
2. Approve the
audited Financial Statement 2013
3. Approve the
contents of operation report of 2013 of BOD and Supervisory Board of the
4. Approve the plan
on distributing profit and dividend payment of2013
Profit before tax: VND
Profit after tax: VND
Dividend payment in cash: 35% VND 27,562,402,000
Extract to investment and development fund: VND 22,222,714,458
Extract to bonus and recommendation fund VND 2,500,000,000
Extract to welfare fund: VND
Extract to bonus for administrative board: VND 350,000,000
5. Approve the
investment activities in 2014
- Information management software system
- Management software for Salary Organization Department
- Continue researching plans on expanding and investing
production and expanding port
6. Approve the list
of auditors to select auditor for FS 2014
- Vietnam ACA Kreston Co., Ltd.
- Vietnam BDO Co., Ltd.
- VACO Audit Co., Ltd.
- Viet-anh Audit Co., Ltd.
- Nhan Viet Audit Co., Ltd.
7. Approve the total
remuneration of BOD and Supervisory Board of the Company in 2014
- If the executed profit is lower than the plan, BOD and
Supervisory Board enjoy 1.8% of total profit before tax
- If the executed profit is equal or over the plan, BOD and
Supervisory Board enjoy 2% of total profit before tax