ALP: Be put under control
HOSE officially informed about putting the stock of Alphanam Investment Joint Stock Company (Alphanam JSC) under control as follows:
- Putting ALP under control as from April 11, 2014 according to Decision No. 142/QD-SGDHCM dated April 03, 2014 by HOSE. ALP stock will be halted trading as from April 11, 2014.- Reason: Loss after tax of equity holders of the parent in 2012 was VND144.86 billion and Loss after tax of equity holders of the parent in 2013 was VND205.97 billion according to 2012&2013 audited financial statements, Alphanam JSC violated Point b, Clause 1.1, Article 16 of the Listing Regulations on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange and Decision No.10/QD-SGDHCM dated January 13, 2014. - Based on explanation of the company, Hochiminh Stock Exchange will be noticed on the stock to be traded again but put under control.
- Putting ALP under control as from April 11, 2014 according to Decision No. 142/QD-SGDHCM dated April 03, 2014 by HOSE. ALP stock will be halted trading as from April 11, 2014.
- Reason: Loss after tax of equity holders of the parent in 2012 was VND144.86 billion and Loss after tax of equity holders of the parent in 2013 was VND205.97 billion according to 2012&2013 audited financial statements, Alphanam JSC violated Point b, Clause 1.1, Article 16 of the Listing Regulations on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange and Decision No.10/QD-SGDHCM dated January 13, 2014.
- Based on explanation of the company, Hochiminh Stock Exchange will be noticed on the stock to be traded again but put under control.
> ALP: Decision on putting ALP under control (07/04/2014)
> DCT: Be put under control (07/04/2014)
> DCT: Decision on putting DCT under control (07/04/2014)
> STT: Be put under control (07/04/2014)
> PNC: Be put under control (07/04/2014)
> PNC: Decision on putting PNC under control (07/04/2014)
> CTM: Explanation for reasons and measures for stock under supervision (07/04/2014)
> HPS: HNX notice: Stock under supervision (07/04/2014)
> APG: Explanation for the share under alert (07/04/2014)
> DCL: DCL stock released from the warning status (07/04/2014)