Saigon General Service Corporation announces the 2014 annual shareholders’ meeting (AGM):
- Stock symbol: SVC
- Meeting date: 8:00 am, March 28, 2014
- Meeting venue: Meeting hall, floor 4, Saigon General Service Corporation, 68 Nam Ky
Khoi Nghia Street, District 1, HCM City.
- Meeting participants: All shareholders at the record date: February 28, 2014.
- Meeting content:
on Business result in 2013 and business plan for 2014.
on activities of the Board of
on activities of the Board of
The audited financial statements.
Approval for the 2013 profit distribution.
Electing another member to the Supervisory Board.
Other relating issues.
- For meeting documents, please visit Company’s website:
- Shareholders please send confirmations of attending into the meeting
before March 27, 2014.